Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Our Elf

Our kids are the ideal audience for Elf on a Shelf. Last year, I found this little guy in TJMaxx. We told the kids that this elf is a direct helper to Santa. He (or she?) watches them and then reports back on what he saw. Next morning, you can find Elf in another spot. With so many things to do and buy, I'm glad we've added this guy into our holiday tradition. O & V wonder where he's positioned himself to watch our family's chaos.

'I am Happy' list

  1. using the word 'so', ex. so happy, so tired, so awesome. gets annoying at times, but it is me. true.
  2. Paul Westerberg, Dyslexic Heart (after all these years...still)
  3. rainy days even if I am working and not in sweats on the couch
  4. I Like You by Sandol Stoddard Warburg
  5. Making a master list and then crossing things off.
  6. my desk calendar
  7. netflix list
  8. trade and sell on ravelry