Saturday, February 6, 2010

Closed for business

Forecasters were right. It's been snowing...lots! We have been fortunate to be inside with power, keeping warm. This snow is really wet and heavy. We're currently under Blizzard warning and expecting total 26 inches. We're having fun and getting a few things off the list (in a good way, of course): filing, napping, taxes, pancakes, soup, shoveling, to name a few.

I have a habit of not reading my magazine issue until we're actually in the month. So, this last night I was reading Country Living and read an article about a couple from Savannah who renovated their home. The name of the owner, Liz Demos, sounded familiar and, sure enough. G and I travelled to Savannah, GA about 4 years ago and had a lovely time. One of my favorite stores as @home - Vintage General. The store was filled with so many goodies - new and old. I kept saying to my husband how I would love to own such a shop - full of vintage items and then to have sewing and knitting classes. Well, I visited @home site today and am really sad to report that they are closing. It seems the owner, Liz Demos, has been thinking about it for awhile and that it is just difficult to keep a small town business open that does not sell necessities. So sad. From what I've read, it looks as if some products will be available for purchase via the Internet but still. Hearing about another small business closing just breaks my heart.

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