Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Laundry on the line

Not that I need more signs but here are a few...

I wish I could capture the scent of sheets that have dried in the sun, promising sweet dreams.

Smiling kids, lungs full of fresh air.

V & O on hammock

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Visions of Spring

Our shed in morning sun.

As we walk around our yard, I remember this is our first spring, full of surprises.

spring sedum
spring crocus

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Seed planning 101

We are so excited. Lots of planning and dreaming.

Our new home for potatoes
yellow mini trash can

I was about to give up on my seeds - only lavender has sprouted so far. BUT...this morning we saw Parsley poking through. YEAH!! It is all about the little joys and that is what I am finding makes up beautiful life.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring is in the air and the hair

Mr. Tough-guy basketball face

We're ready for spring. I forgot how great it is to have our home extend into the outdoors when the weather is nice. We fill our lungs with fresh air although a bit chilly and feel the sun on our faces. My kids have the scent of spring in their hair. As I squeeze in my kisses, they smell like outside.

O playing basketball

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring painting

The Painter
This house has cabin fever. We are ready for spring. To make our new home more ours, we've been painting some of the rooms.

Our latest paint makeover, work in progress.

Painting family room heart

Painting family room

While were watching Parks and Recreation this past Thursday, noticed our new wall color matches Tom's golf pants (can see a bit of green pants in this picture).

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Snuggie Wrap Blanket

My cousin's little girl, Katelyn, is one month old!! I made this Snuggie Wrap Blanket from Amy Butler's Little Stitches for Little Ones - my review. The fabric used, Alexander Henry's 2D Zoo - primary was repurposed (originally used for my son's bedroom curtains). For this project, I included a lightweight yellow fleece for the lining.

Mom and Katelyn (and Dad too!) are doing great. A welcome addition to our family.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hopeful spring

We are seeing the sun and we are happy.
  • Planted some seeds indoors - lavender, parsley and chives.
  • Ordered some seeds from Seed Savers Exchange - Aunt Molly's Ground Cherries, Strawberry Popcorn and Eggplant.
  • Purchased container for potatoes from TJMaxx.
  • Getting ready to hit the home improvement stores for supplies for our Square-Foot Gardens.
select seed2010 cover

I haven't had any luck in the past growing poppies.

poppy pages in select seeds

I dream about poppies - the varieties, colors, textures - I am in love.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thinking of you...

Intense hugs to my mom who is having surgery today. I'm finding my thoughts drifting on this dreary day.