Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter eggs

All in a row, our beautiful eggs. We used onion skins, rubber bands and glitter.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pillow fight

Miss v needed a new pillowcase for naptime. She picked the fabrics from stash - a nice ticking, yellow repurposed napkin. I added the frog. She likes it all ... except the frog. Oh well. I'm happy to have made her something she'll use and, hopefully, learn to love.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Freely float

'Up in the Sky' by Majalin

  • I just stumbled upon Take your Life Back Using Microsoft Outlook by Sally McGee (via Scoutie Girl). Tips that are helpful and not overwhelming. With my recent conversion to iphone, I am loving anything that will get me more organized and doing.
  • I need to get motivated to take back my sewing area/office. After the craft show hurricane comes through, I need to re-group. I find myself doing everything except want to spend time in there. I hope to dedicate some time to spring cleaning, organizing, and finding ways to making this space more inviting for me.
  • As much as I love springtime, I am feeling frozen. We had a talented landscape architect neighbor draw up some plans. Now, with budget and schedules in hand, it is time to prioritize. I know it will feel better once there is a plan but for now, all our ideas are swirly and a bit overwhelming. I hope our seedlings in raised beds make it....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What a beauty

Capturing this vision before it fades. If I don't snap a photo, I might forget this vision. Spring keeps surprising me. And that is a good thing.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


G and uncle Andy ran a race this morn. We're tourists in our own fair Baltimore.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sense with scents

Everywhere I look, I'm starting to see spring. When hyacinths are cut and brought indoors, they quadruple their size with their fragrance.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Springy weather

Shortly, I am off to a craft show. YEAH! And the sun is finally shining for this sunny occasion.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Crafty wonder

Good friends (and new ones) showed me a warm reception at the Busy Fingers craft show yesterday.

Meet 'Sally' who showcased my husband's new t-shirts.

I had a great time but now I need to re-fuel and reflect, of course.

In the zone...

I've been crafting up a storm for a craft trunk show tommorow. I said I would't stress and I haven't. That being said, I've dedicated more time to it than originally thought. In a good way. I always learn from these experiences.
  • Ideal background 'noise' is 'This American Life.' It's the right balance of keeping my mind on task - cutting, sewing, stitching. Sometimes movies on netflix require too much attention and some songs gets me agitated for not feeling right.
  • I work better in blocks of time. As sweet of a thought to craft the day away, it is not my reality. I've found if I dedicate select time, keeping watch with an egg timer. This keeps me focused and balanced with the rest of my life - house, kids, work, etc.

Amidst the chaos, I try to remember and smell the jasmine. It has a way of lifting spirits in winter.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm spring dreaming

Spring is officially here but you'd never think it if you walked outside. This is a glance of my morning time when all are still sleeping and I am sipping my cup of coffee, looking forward to facing the day ahead.

I came across this list for Best Gardens in Baltimore. Lots to look forward and do, instead of dreaming about. Who am i kidding? The dreaming part gets me in the right mode.