Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Turkey Trot

Turkey trot

I typically have Wednesdays off so I've been hanging out with O and V today, getting ready for Turkey Day. Lots of lounging and playing including baking pies - Pumpkin and the Martha Stewart Prize winning pie -English Toffee and Pecan and creating this bird. Yes, it is a turkey and it stands in front of my cookbooks for inspiration. This turkey will have friends after the kids create tommorow.

I've been working on a skirt - trying to understand basic structure principles. So rather than cleaning and setting the table, I'm putting the final touches on this skirt.

parts of Thanks skirt Thanks skirt

This skirt is made from re-purposed fabric (used to be one of my 'wrap around' skirts) trimmed in ribbon and tulle. I need to fine-tune my hand sewing. When I tried it on Viv, she said she looked like a princess. She always does.

Probably should focus on the other stuff since the reality of hosting Thanksgiving dinner is starting to hit me. My mom is bringing the bird and others are bringing other menu items.Have I told you how much I love a holiday with such great, comfort food?

I am grateful for many things especially family. We look forward to celebrating in our new home.

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